11+ Yiroshi 1200W Amplifier Circuit. Hello my friends this circuit was designed by audio yiroshi 2012 copyright registration. Amplifiers with 1000 watts or more.
#yiroshi #yiroshiamplifier test power amplifier stereo yiroshi with output power 1400watt up to 2000watt. Where to prototype 10 pcbs for $2 only: Yiroshi this stereo power amplifier circuit called yiroshi amplifier that has output power up to 1400w for pcb layout and.
Amplifiers with 1000 watts or more.
11+ Yiroshi 1200W Amplifier Circuit. Power amplifier apex power amplifier circuit using transistor for based amplify audio. Stereo amplifier has output power about 1200w (600w + 600w) and it also can bridge amplifier for increasing output power performance. Service manuals, schematics, eproms for electrical technicians. Download gerber file and circuit diagram here: