14+ Open Source Uml Tools

14+ Open Source Uml Tools. It runs on any java platform and is available in ten languages. Modelio is an open source modeling environment tool providing support for the latest standards (uml 2, bpmn 2,.).

UML - Unified Modeling Language Open Source Tools
UML – Unified Modeling Language Open Source Tools from www.umltools.net

We build modeling software, not drawing tool. Coded in java, it is published under epl (eclipse public license). An open source uml tool for creating class diagrams that supports reverse engineering.

Many open source uml tools are available.

14+ Open Source Uml Tools. The evolution of papyrus, an open sysml and uml tool. Startuml 2 is compatible with uml 2.x versions. Altova umodel is a uml tool that supports all 14 standard unified modeling language diagrams, database modeling, xml schema modeling, all 9 sysml diagrams, and business process uml software modeling tool. It can be extended by adding modules which add new functionalities.

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