14+ Package Diagram Example

14+ Package Diagram Example. In the example of a package diagram shown on the right, we see that a package can be developed to show its. Package diagrams are used to reflect the organization of packages and their elements.

UML 2 Package Diagrams: An Agile Introduction
UML 2 Package Diagrams: An Agile Introduction from agilemodeling.com

Package can be stereotyped (customized) for. Packages are depicted as file folders and can be used on any of the uml diagrams, although they when it comes to class package diagrams i apply several rules of thumb. An example of uml package diagram representing java™ platform standard edition (se) 7 api.

The example diagram presents a class diagram more oriented to design aspects.

14+ Package Diagram Example. So, programmers should construct package with name date. Use this guide to learn everything you need to know about package diagrams, including what benefits they provide, how to properly build them, and more. 6.3 defining packages using a package diagram. A package represents a namespace.

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