14+ Sequence Diagram Database

14+ Sequence Diagram Database. I want now to show also the internal database (on the same server). It's confusing to me because this is the first time i use this technique with a real project.i have used database as an object.

UML sequence diagram of database enrichment (the stars ...
UML sequence diagram of database enrichment (the stars … from www.researchgate.net

Learn about sequence diagram notations and messages. Sequence diagrams show object interactions arranged in a time sequence (refer figure 5.10). As you can guess from its name, the sequence diagram shows the order in which interactions take place.

Shall i represent it as actor or as <<entity>> ?

14+ Sequence Diagram Database. Lucidchart supports.vsd and.vdx file import and is a great microsoft visio alternative. The time progresses as you go down the page. Sequence diagram describes an interaction by focusing on the sequence of messages that are exchanged, along with their corresponding occurrence specifications on the lifelines. The sequence diagram is an interaction diagram of uml.

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