14+ Wiring A Single Pole Switch. A single pole switch wired to either hot lead going to your hw heater would turn it off when opened, however i it's code (and safer) that you use a double pole switch. But your wiring should be upgraded on that circuit to #8 to match the.
While there are various styles, they typically have on/off markings on a toggle switch to denote whether power is flowing to the device. Single pole double throw (spdt) switch. When the toggle is flipped down, the circuit is broken, and the power goes off.
The diagrams below show the various options.
14+ Wiring A Single Pole Switch. It's got one output and one input. A switch is just a break in the hot wire controlling a light. The switch would have to carry the same rating as the circuit (40a). The switch will either be closed or completely disconnected.